Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Oba Galera Workshop

Oba Galera ! means Hi Folks, a typical Brazilian way to join the fun.

inspired by the colourful beach life of Paracuru on the northern coast of Brazil

Hand painted T'shirts from the watercolours of my scrapbook, each one is a unique piece and is washable.

Joao Pedro, wearing the two first ones.

Thursday, December 07, 2017

This is Paracuru, a small fishing village in the state of Ceara.
The Barracas are an institution in Northern Brazil.

Beach-going would be unimaginable without the ever-present barracas, seaside restaurant-bars where friends and family settle in for a long day of chatting, drinking beer, and nibbling on portions of fried fish and seafood and surfing.

Closed on week days, Marina cooks for her family and friends the catch of the day.